Contact Us to Volunteer!: Penfield Library Friends Volunteers
Volunteers make everything happen and there are different ways for you to help. We are sure there is a place for everyone to contribute. Our greatest need is for volunteer support during our Book Sales: our Children's book sale in the Spring and our large Fall Book Sale
You don't have to be a member to participate and you don't need to volunteer if you join the Friends of the Penfield Library. Interested or want more information? Please contact us either by filling out a form or by email.
Paper volunteer forms are at the circulation desk and in our brochure. FOPL Brochures are located on the shelves housing our ongoing book sale in teh library. These forms can be filled out and left at the circulation desk.
OR send an email to
One of our board members will contact you to welcome you, answer questions, share what opportunities we have available and to find out what you are interested in contributing.
Volunteer Opportunities
Here are some examples of available FOPL opportunities
Book Sales Volunteers
Volunteers usually work in 2-3 hour shifts during the sale. We require volunteers for planning, setup, during the sale and clean up. There are many tasks for adulst and teens. Listed below are a few examples:
Book Sale Chairperson: oversees the Book Sale Committee throughout the year.
Book Sale Committee: plans and overses all areas related to the book Sales.
Volunteer Coordintor: schedules volunteers for all shifts.
Student Volunteer Coordinator: Work with Student groups at the school to volunteer to haul books from the trailer pre-sale and take boxes of books back to the trailer post-sale.
Pre_Sale Set Up: Volunteers assist in the sale set up.
Cashier: takes cash and processes credit card payments
Floor Volunteer: organize and straighten books and assisting customers.
Non-Profit, Senior Living, Donations Coordinator: Contacts local Senior Living, schools, non-profits, etc., to arrange for picking up boxes of books at the end of the sale.
Post-Sale Take Down: Box books and help clean up.
Serving on Friends Commitees
The Friends have several committees that volunteers may assist on. Some examples are: membership, marketing, volunteers, merchandise, and book sales.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors plans all activities of the Friends, sets policies, and oversees the various committees. Directors serve for a minimum of two years.
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